
Why Gratitude?

“Being grateful does not mean that everything is necessarily good. It just means that you can accept it as a gift.” — Roy T. Bennett

This quote encompasses all that I feel about gratitude and why you need to make it a value choice for your life and your daily living! 

In a world filled with distractions, stress, and constant striving, it’s easy to lose sight of the simple joys that surround us every day. Practicing gratitude is a powerful and transformative tool that can significantly enhance your mental health and overall well-being. Gratitude is not just about saying “thank you“; it is a mindset, a way of seeing the world, and a habit that can bring numerous benefits to your life. Most importantly, it will uplift your mental health during the difficult times of life!

When you practice daily gratitude, it redirects your attention from negative thoughts to positive aspects of your life. By consciously acknowledging the things you are grateful for, you shift your focus away from the things that may be causing you stress or anxiety. This change in perspective can reduce rumination and help you see the silver linings even in challenging situations. It’s important to note that it is not about diminishing the challenging situations you find yourself in, gratitude just helps you keep your head above water when you feel like you are drowning. Gratitude can truly enhance your emotional resilience, helping you cope better with life’s ups and downs. When you practice gratitude, you become more appreciative of the positive experiences in your life. This heightened emotional awareness can help you bounce back from setbacks and better manage those difficult situations that find their way into your life.

Expressing gratitude is also an incredible way to positively impact your relationships. When you show appreciation to others, you strengthen the bonds that are crucial for relational health. Gratitude fosters empathy, improves communication, and deepens connections with friends and family. Gratitude is essential to building stronger relationships that provide a valuable support system during times of emotional turmoil and stress. Keeping gratitude as a daily value does wonders to enhance your self-esteem and self-worth. When you focus on the positive aspects of your life and appreciate the good things you have achieved or experienced, it can and does boost your self-confidence. This increased self-esteem can protect you against negative self-talk and self-doubt, contributing to better mental health.

There is so much to be said about gratitude and during this month of November, where Thankfulness is on our brain, consider adding this as part of your daily mindset! 

Your Coach – 

Joni Woods, CLC

Relationship and Communication Coach

Journey Coaching


“Creating the future You want!”