
‘Tis the Season

‘Tis the season for holiday cheer, Christmas Lights, bells ringing, generosity, kindness, matching pajamas, Christmas trees, ornaments, stockings, Elf on the Shelf, Santa Claus, holiday movies, eating out, wrapping presents, mistletoe, cocktails, Christmas parties, family time, making cookies, caroling, rudolph the rednosed reindeer, hot cocoa, family traditions, and opening presents. 

So many amazing holiday experiences are at our fingertips during this season!

Yet, ‘Tis the season for financial stress, family drama, loneliness, overwhelming need to impress, depression, grief from loss, over-extending yourself, revisiting trauma and of course, conflict.  

For all the wonderful highs that this season can bring, we must remember there are some people out there who are working through some very low lows as well.  

Whether you are miserably married and wondering if this will be your last Christmas together, or if this is the first year you don’t get to watch your children open their presents on Christmas morning because of the new parenting schedule that you are still not used to, or you are grieving the loss of a significant loved one who’s missing presence shows the huge gap in your life, or like myself, you are mourning the end of a significant friendship or relationship; this season can throw a bright white spotlight on some very real pain points in our lives.  

Now that I have stated the obvious, let me encourage and love on you! 

Remember it is OKAY to not feel “Merry and Bright”! Just because this is the “season of joy” you are allowed to feel the grief, the fear, the loneliness that is prevalent with your current situation. You do not have to fake your way through any situation so that you can make others feel good.  

Also, you are allowed to find joy or peace or comfort in other areas of your life!  If having a lazy day fills your soul- by all means – have a LAZY day!! 

If shopping at 11pm calms your stressed out mind because the stores are just too overwhelming midday- by all means, take a nap and then grab yourself some coffee and casually stroll down the aisles! 

If using seasonal gift bags saves you the anxiety of wrapping every single gift – then invest in a bulk purchase and throw those gifts into bags! 

No one is asking you to over perform during this season!  Take a breath and lean in as much as you can. 

Lastly, This too shall pass! 

This season of pain, confusion, loneliness and fear will pass

I completely understand just how easy it is to find ourselves focusing on all of the pain in this season, and it can be more exacerbated when others are asking about the situations that are causing you pain, however please remember this:

You will not always be here in this place of pain. You will heal. You will walk out of the darkness and back into the light. You will find joy and peace in the trying circumstances. And most importantly you will continue to find new highs along your journey! 

It is perfectly okay to sit with your feelings, to take time away from all that is overwhelming you and calm the mind. 

The mind is like water. When it’s turbulent, it’s difficult to see. When it’s calm, everything becomes clear.” – Prasad Mahes

I would love to help you through this holiday season, to help you reframe the dark winter nights, to calm the mind so you can see clearly! 


Your Coach!

Joni Woods

Relationship and Communication Coach

Journey Coaching


“Creating the future You want!”