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    Savor It

    Savor It! Sometimes you’ll never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.  Dr. Seuss I look out my back window and see a fresh white snowfall glistening beautifully, brightening the dark sky as it reflects the street lights. There is something so peaceful about the pure,…

  • Article

    Love is in the Air

    “How do you spell love?” ~ Piglet “You don’t spell love, you feel it!” ~ Winnie the Pooh When I was a little girl, I believed that Spring time was when love was in the air. I have Disney to thank for that, as I sat joyfully watching the birds…

  • Article

    Before Dawn

    A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes.  Mahatma Ghandi It’s been a long few days in the North.  I, myself, found the weight of power outages, freezing temperatures and so much uncertainty absolutely draining. My emotional tank was at bare minimum to start,…